Oregon Dairy Farmers Association Recognizes Scholarship Recipient Sienna Mahaffy

Published on
July 15, 2025

The Oregon Dairy Farmers Association (ODFA) is proud to announce that Sienna Mahaffy, daughter of Coos County dairy farmers Pete and Kelly Mahaffy, has been awarded the 2024ODFA Student Scholarship. Sienna's outstanding academic achievements and deep-rooted dedication to the dairy community exemplify the values we celebrate in the next generation of dairy leaders.

Sienna is currently an Animal Science major at Oklahoma State University, where she maintains a perfect 4.0 GPA. After completing her undergraduate studies, she plans to further her education at Oregon State University, pursuing a master’s degree in Dairy and Food Processing.

Sienna's long-term vision includes returning to her family's dairy farm and, together with her sister, opening a farmstead creamery and retail store. Their goal is to produce artisanal cheese, ice cream, and meat products, offering wholesome, nutritious, and responsibly raised food to their community.

Beyond her business aspirations, Sienna is passionate about educating the community about dairy farming and where food comes from. She envisions giving tours of the dairy and creamery to schools, 4-H clubs, and other community organizations to inspire and inform the next generation about dairy.

Growing up on a dairy farm, Sienna has embraced many responsibilities, from milking cows and feeding calves to fixing fences and cleaning barns. She describes her experience as the “best possible thing to happen” because it provided her with unique life experiences and opportunities to get involved in agricultural organizations, shaping her into the successful individual she is today.  

“As a farm kid, I had numerous responsibilities both from the dairy and my 4-H projects. I have always worked on my family's small, 140-cow dairy, and over the past five years, I have played a significant role in calf rearing, formulating diets, and covering numerous shifts each week,” said Sienna. “My love for the dairy industry inspired me to become my county's Dairy Princess Ambassador, an incredible opportunity to educate consumers on the importance of consuming dairy products and understanding how the industry works.”

The ODFA is delighted to support Sienna Mahaffy in her educational journey and looks forward to seeing her future contributions to the dairy industry and her community.

ODFA Staff
Oregon Dairy Farmers Association